Love, she cried for us, “say it again”, she cried as though poison was in a race with itself trying to be first through our veins. She hastened to his words as if to multiply his fears to rouse a communion among us – it was spiritual.
Then it struck me, ankles frozen to the ground I could feel the shower of movement massaging its way into me. It hits you like fresh rain when you notice that everything around you just shifted and you heard none of it, something in the moment changed you and you knew it. “Can you feel it?”, someone shouted! “Can you feel it”, Love cried out. We paused, looking at ourselves, we, the hues of the sun stunningly beautiful we felt it.
Pleading in turmoil we felt it, we felt it as though we were one person. Love like a river...
#derrickwalkerpoetry#istandwithyou#blacklivesmatter#georgefloyd#justiceforgeorgefloyd#justiceforahmaud#justiceforbreonnataylor#justiceforblackpeople#oppression#policebrutality#antiracism#racialreconciliation#antiracist#trayvonmartin#racialequality#dcprotest#stopkillingblackpeople#stopthehate#stoptheinjustice#injustice#andresguardado#icantbreathe#saytheirnames#robertfuller#seanreed#cometogether#justiceforahmaudarbery #justiceforfloyd #blacklivesmatter #pleaseistillcantbreathe #dcprotest #blmdc #dmvprotest #blmmd #blmva #richmondprotest #blmrva #baltimoreprotest #blmfrederick #urbana #catonsville #moco #blacklivesmatter